
New York, New York, USA
1,400 Total Employees
100 Local Employees
Year Founded: 2007

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Statista - Empowering People with data
Who We Are
Statista believes that precise, accurate, and reliable data is the most important element needed for an organization to excel. We’re a rapidly growing international data-as-a-service organization with an IPO on the horizon. We leverage an easy-to-use online platform with a diverse and up-to-date collection of data, analytics, and information to give our partners access to an infinite number of business sectors, geographic areas, and consumers. Statista enables teams to learn from its data, assess market value, and make critical and well-informed business decisions based on truth, not opinions.

Culture at Statista
Founded 15 years ago in Hamburg, we have quickly developed into a global company. In our 13 office locations, we employ over 1,400 colleagues from more than 60 nationalities. In our international working environment, everyone is encouraged to contribute ideas to make Statista a special place to work. Our culture, framed by clear goals and a supporting team, paves the way for us to stay a profitable, leading player in the market.

Why You Should Choose Statista
· Our mission- helping companies make decisions with facts, not opinions
· We put our people first forming a strong company culture grounded in our core ethics of community, integrity, communication, initiative, and accountability
· Opportunities to grow and hone your sales expertise in a rapidly growing company
· A diverse and international company with 13 locations worldwide, with our HQ in Hamburg,Germany
· A beautiful office in NYC at 3 WTC, with the view of Hudson River, Freedom Tower, Empire State Building, Chrysler Building, and Hudson Yards
· Medical, Dental, and Vision benefits
· Flexible office hours/remote work as needed
· Casual office attire, dog friendly, and a kitchen full of snacks and beverages

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Statista Offices

Hybrid Workspace

Employees engage in a combination of remote and on-site work.

Typical time on-site: 1 days a week
New York, New York, USA