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FindCenter is the world’s largest single platform dedicated to personal development and growth.

FindCenter is the world’s largest single platform dedicated to personal development and growth, with over 500,000 pages of content. Hand curated by top book editors, and in consultation with an advisory board spanning across different spiritual and personal growth modalities, FindCenter streamlines access to the tools and techniques to address, cope with and heal from the challenges of being human while expanding users’ knowledge across a broad spectrum of belief and cultural traditions. Founded by former business executive Neal Goldman alongside long-time friend, humanitarian and author Zainab Salbi, FindCenter is the virtual manifestation of their personal journeys of self discovery, encountering a myriad of disciplines taught by the world’s most sought-after teachers. FindCenter provides connection between users through the creation of personal profiles, starring content to indicate appreciation, and creating personalized collections that can be followed and shared with the community.

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