Inside 3 of NYC’s coolest tech offices

AUGUST 2017: Tech companies all over the city have opened up their offices for us to tour, and we’ve seen some unique spaces and enviable floorplans. These three startups have nailed the perfect mix of bold decor, interesting lighting and unique seating that reflects their brand and makes employees excited to come to work every day.

Written by Liz Warren
Published on Aug. 17, 2017
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“New York City” and “cool” tend to go hand in hand — especially when it comes to work spaces. Tech companies all over the city have opened up their offices for us to tour, and we’ve seen some unique spaces and enviable floorplans. These three startups have nailed the perfect mix of bold decor, interesting lighting and unique seating that reflects their brand and makes employees excited to come to work every day.  



Datadog helps companies turn their IT data into actionable insights. Their office, located in Times Square, features cool seating areas and expansive views of the city. Matt Cherveny, Datadog's Office Manager, tells us what else makes their workplace unique.

How many employees work at the office?

We have more than 150 employees.

How big is the space?

Approximately 31,000 square feet.

When did you move in?

We came here in September 2016.

What's your favorite part of the space?

We’re on the 45th floor of the New York Times Building, and the cafe features a glass wall with panoramic views of New York City. The Empire State Building, the Statue of Liberty, Downtown Manhattan, Brooklyn, Queens — all unfurl before the Datadog team when we sit down to lunch or grab a coffee for an informal chat. Our cafe and kitchen is a place for creativity of all kinds, and the view plays a big role in fostering that environment.

Is there anything unique about your office you'd like to share?

We focused our office on functionality and simplicity as opposed to playground slides and secret rooms, so we have a 2,750-square-foot kitchen and dining area that provides six different means for getting your coffee fix. We also have wormholes (live-video feeds) to our Boston and Paris offices so we can peek in on the happenings of those offices. Throughout the space, we have 14 beautifully engineered and highly efficient phone booths as all our NYC employees’ desks are phone-free. But in the end, it's really the views that make our office the most unique.




Artsy is an online marketplace that connects art lovers with their favorite pieces. From its website to its Instagram page, the brand has a very modern, minimalist feel, and its office is a perfect reflection of that. Sean Roland, Associate Director of Experience and Operations, told us all about the space and what he thinks are the best features.

How many employees work at the office?

We have 140 team members working at our headquarters in New York, and an additional 40 global team members across Berlin, London, Los Angeles and Hong Kong.

How big is the space?

Our office is approximately 20,000 square feet at 401 Broadway, which is a historic pre-war building with an original lobby.

When did you move in?

We first leased the 25th floor of 401 Broadway in October of 2011. We've been fortunate enough to have had the sustained growth and the opportunity to take additional consecutive floors as they've become available, so that we now occupy the 24th — 27th floors.

What's your favorite part of the space?

My team and I thoughtfully designed our workspaces to reflect and amplify Artsy's culture, values, brand and products. Our design sensibility is clean and crisp, like the Artsy website and apps. Our floors are open-plan and flooded with light from enormous 360-degree windows, reflecting our open, collaborative company culture.

Is there anything unique about your office you'd like to share?

We've recently begun partnering with emerging designers such as Likemindedobjects and Chris Wolston, and boutique furniture studios like New Tendency and Hem to create responsive, design-forward spaces with us, while symbiotically increasing visibility and opportunity for them.




Ceros helps marketers and designers create interactive infographics and other forms of content to support their brands. The Ceros office on West 25th Street is designed with bright colors and creative decor to reflect the company’s mission and values. Creative Director Jack Dixon shows us how it’s possible to incorporate company values into office decor.

How many employees work at the office?

We have 68 employees.

How big is the space?

11,000 square feet.

When did you move in?

We moved in May 8, 2017.

What's your favorite part of the space?

Our British pub is definitely a favorite spot in the office. It’s the heart and soul of our company! Whether employees need a quiet space away from the hustle and bustle of the office or a fun spot to kick back and have a drink with coworkers, the pub is the place to be. Plus, our clients love it so they’re always happy to swing by.

Is there anything unique about your office you'd like to share?

What makes the space unique is that the moment a visitor walks in, they can feel what we're about. It just seems to bubble with creative energy and embody our cultural values. One of those values is "Give a sh-t," which is a reminder to care deeply about the work you do — whatever it is — and be proud to put your name on it. That phrase is written in bright neon light in our "Secret Room." The entire space was designed and built by us across many late nights and is full of personal touches that you could spend hours searching for and picking out — that's "giving a sh-t!”



Images via featured companies.

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