Meet the Women Inspiring Tech Professionals to Hit New Heights

This International Women’s Day, three women share about their career journeys and the role models and allies who’ve propelled them forward.

Written by Mia Goulart
Published on Mar. 07, 2024
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Celebrating International Women’s Day isn’t just about recognizing achievements; it’s a global rallying cry for social, economic and political equality and a moment to reflect on progress made — urging everyone to join the journey toward gender equity.

In the tech realm, where women occupy only a fraction of the workforce, the quest for inspiration takes on added significance. While some draw strength from trailblazers who’ve shattered glass ceilings, others find support from mentors and leaders within their own companies. 

To mark International Women’s Day, Built In caught up with women at Riskified, Contentsquare and HUMAN, not simply to applaud their achievements but to magnify their voices and showcase the role models and allies who’ve propelled them forward. 


Image of Buu Duong
Buu Duong
Integrations Engineer • Riskified

Riskified empowers businesses to realize the full potential of e-commerce by making it safe, accessible, & frictionless.


Looking back on your career, is there a woman who has consistently inspired you?

There have been a few women whose commitment to showing up and standing up has inspired me to be more vocal in the workplace. It’s not just about being in the room where important conversations are had, but speaking up when an opportunity presents itself. As a new graduate some years ago, I was lucky enough to have the sponsorship of a leader who was very open about her career aspirations, successes and failures. I was grateful to learn about her journey to a successful career, understand when and where she’d chosen to speak up and how she used her influence to empower newcomers with opportunities.

It’s not just about being in the room where important conversations are had, but speaking up when an opportunity presents itself.”


How have you incorporated the lessons and achievements from her life and career into your own?

I’ve learned that it never hurts to raise your hand, whether it is to ask a question or volunteer for a new task. I’ve also learned to dress for the job you want, not the job you have, and it’s important to speak and act the part, as well. I know that clearly defining my aspirations and goals creates accountability for myself and makes them easier to share with mentors and peers alike.



Image of Victoire de Villepin
Victoire de Villepin
Chief Communications Officer and Chief of Staff to the CEO • Contentsquare

Contentsquare is a digital experience analytics company dedicated to better customer understanding and making the digital world more human.


Looking back on your career, is there a woman who has consistently inspired you?

Many women inspire me in my daily life, from my family to my coworkers. Some women you cross paths with have a huge impact on your core beliefs and values. For me, one such woman is Marion Ranvier, whom I met around eight years ago when I worked at Lagardère. 

At the time, she was working on diversification projects but it was clear she had great entrepreneurial drive. She eventually left Lagardère to start an assistive technology company called AdaptMyWeb, with a mission to remove the digital access barriers that prevent millions of people with disabilities from actively participating in the web. Being dyslexic herself, Marion had experienced the internet’s inaccessibility and took it into her own hands to create change. It was incredible to watch her tackle this enormous challenge and build transformative software from scratch. 

We remained great friends, and after I joined Contentsquare, I introduced her to our CEO and Founder Jonathan Cherki. Contentsquare eventually acquired AdaptMyWeb in 2021, and shortly after set up the Contentsquare Foundation with a mission to help further an inclusive digital world. Beyond her entrepreneurial spirit, Marion has a formidable ability to rally people through her tireless advocacy and educational work, and I feel very grateful to count her among my colleagues and friends.



  1. Some people are born entrepreneurs and others become entrepreneurs along the way. Some even become intrapreneurs! There isn’t one path to success and change is positive. Marion’s path taught me to see every step as an opportunity. 
  2. Passion is key. To this day, I am impressed by how Marion manages to create continuous excitement and bring people together to make digital accessibility a priority. She is everywhere: teaching web accessibility basics to college students, raising awareness among employees at private companies and advising policymakers. No challenge is too big or too small and the result is tangible — we are one behind her! 



Image of Linsday Kaye
Linsday Kaye
VP of Threat Intelligence • HUMAN

HUMAN safeguards over 1,200 brands from digital attacks including bots, fraud and account abuse.


Looking back on your career, is there a woman who has consistently inspired you?

Looking back on my career, one woman has consistently inspired me: my mother. During her career, she was an executive, earned multiple patents and achieved an MBA. In the early 1970s, when women were mere supporters in the workforce, she went on to attain a huge leadership role. My mother was and still is the driving force behind changing that perception and allowing the new generation of leaders to thrive in today's business environment — especially in STEM. She instilled in me the belief that I can pursue any path I choose, emphasizing the importance of finding fulfillment, independence and opportunities for advancement. She never settled for mediocrity and has always encouraged me to strive for excellence in everything I do.

She instilled in me the belief that I can pursue any path I choose, emphasizing the importance of finding fulfillment, independence and opportunities for advancement.”


During my professional career, I developed a passion for malware analysis and threat hunting. At HUMAN, I lead a team of highly skilled professionals who uncover cybersecurity threats that protect businesses worldwide and prevent cyber criminals from committing online fraud.

Through my career journey, I've drawn inspiration from my mother's example of fearlessly pursuing her goals and breaking barriers.


How have you incorporated the lessons and achievements from her life and career into your own?

Incorporating the lessons and achievements from my mother's life and career has been instrumental in shaping my journey in the tech industry.

Education was paramount in my upbringing, ensuring that I had access to the best educational opportunities available. I've carried this ethos with me, always placing a strong emphasis on academic excellence and continuous learning. Even after college, I pursued an MBA while working, recognizing the importance of investing in my knowledge and skills to open doors to further opportunities.

Moreover, my mother instilled in me the significance of adopting a business mindset in every endeavor. Regardless of the industry or role, understanding how to contribute to the company's bottom line is essential. This mindset has guided my approach to my work in threat intelligence. I constantly ask myself, “How can my efforts directly impact the success of the business?” which has enabled me to align my work with broader organizational goals and drive tangible results. My mother's lessons led me to seek diverse experiences, expand my skills and adapt in tech. I honor her legacy by prioritizing education, embracing challenges and thriving in my career. She's my biggest supporter, attending all my public speaking events!



Responses have been edited for length and clarity. Images provided by Shutterstock and listed companies.