What’s the Recipe for a Great Sales Team Culture? Team Relationships, Support and Open Communication

An inside look at how the sales teams from NYC-based Kensho, Movable Ink and Findigs put their people first.

Written by Taylor Rose
Published on Sep. 18, 2024
Image: Shutterstock
Image: Shutterstock
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In sales, it’s not uncommon to hear “it all comes down to relationships.” For many sales teams this is true — relationship selling definitely does work for many industries. 

However, the most important sales relationship might not have anything to do with the customer. The internal connections, support and culture that sales team members have with each other can make the difference between a few sales stars guiding the way and an entire team that loves what they do. 

But what does a great sales team look like? Researchers spend a lot of time trying to find the common denominator between the most successful teams. 

Back in 2012, Google spent two years studying 180 internal teams to see what the most successful among them were doing. Forbes noted when reporting on the project that at first researchers believed complementary skills were the throughline for these teams. In fact, it came down to how the teammates felt about their contributions and interaction with one another. 

What Google found was that factors like dependability, clear communication and psychological safety were vital pieces of the company’s most successful teams. The teams that performed the best had a very intentional style of management that made sure team members felt valued, able to take risks and that they could rely on one another for support. 

A 2024 Gallup and Workhuman survey of 4,439 U.S. employees supported the same type of conclusions that Google came to 12 years before: When managers focus on the human element of workplace culture, employee well-being rises. 

Great managers can make all the difference.

Built In spoke with three New York sales leaders and managers who are helping their organizations create a great sales team culture by putting team relationships first.  


Lauren Preskenis
Strategic Account Director of AI • Movable Ink

Movable Ink is a marketing tech company that helps businesses activate data to create personalized content for customer engagement.


What makes you excited to come to work each day?

People are everything, no matter what you sell. The people you sell to, the people you sell with, the people that lead you — they’re all critical to creating an environment of collaboration, challenging you professionally and supporting your success. 

Movable Ink has an incredible network of clients that are a testament to quality results and partnership. Our team of sellers is knowledgeable and team-oriented, and our leadership consistently demonstrates genuine commitment to not only driving sales but also to supporting their people.


“Our leadership consistently demonstrates genuine commitment to not only driving sales but also to supporting their people.”


What is the culture on the sales team like? 

We have a hybrid work environment that allows teams to work in-person or remote, but that doesn’t stop our sales teams from fostering a collaborative, supportive culture. Sales team members work hard in partnership with many cross-functional teams and are celebrated in doing so. 

For example, we have a tradition of ringing a virtual gong when new deals are signed with organizationwide recognition of everybody that contributed.


Can you share a moment with us where you felt connected to your team?

This year we have tried to get out in the field with our clients and prospects as much as possible to strengthen relationships, build trust and accelerate deal cycles — which also help us grow closer to team members. This constantly reinforces for me that while remote work has many benefits including flexibility, screens can’t replace the connection of true togetherness.



RELATED:Why sales managers should take mental health seriously


Taylor Richardson
Business Development Manager • Kensho Technologies

Kensho helps businesses make decisions by leveraging S&P Global’s data with AI and machine learning. 


What makes you excited to come to work each day? 

I am excited by new challenges and enjoy the dynamic nature of a constantly evolving day-to-day environment. Our sales team is unique because it allows us to go beyond traditional sales routines and work closely with other teams and divisions across the organization.

We work closely with the experienced sellers and business stakeholders at S&P Global on joint client engagements, learning from their years of industry knowledge. Our client-first approach encourages us to work closely with product and engineering teams, ensuring that our product roadmaps are shaped by customer feedback and aligned with market needs.


What is the culture on the sales team like? 

Our sales team prioritizes an extremely collaborative culture, where our decisions are rooted in a commitment to what’s best for the team as a whole. Each of us have different strengths across the stages of the sales cycle, allowing us to support one another through each phase, from discovery to contract negotiation.

This collaborative environment relieves a lot of pressure when it comes to maintaining a work-life balance. If someone is out of the office, other members of the team are always willing to step in and assist until they return. This approach ensures a seamless and consistent experience for our clients as well.


“This collaborative environment relieves a lot of pressure when it comes to maintaining a work-life balance.” 


Share a memory or a moment where you felt connected to your team and excited about your role.

One of the many moments that made me feel connected to my team and excited about my role happened recently. During a company collaboration week in Cambridge, Massachusetts, our team went out for dinner. As we caught up, the conversation naturally shifted to each of us sharing stories of our most “embarrassing” career moments.

The conversation was very lighthearted and judgment-free, creating a safe space for each team member who wanted to share. What stood out to me was hearing from our senior team members and leaders who validated the younger team members by sharing their own moments of embarrassment or mistakes — and how things still worked out in the end.



Aylin Alkan
SDR Manager • Findigs, Inc.

Findigs is a real estate platform that assists with rental screening.


What makes you excited to come to work each day? 

Each day at Findigs excites me because it’s more than just hitting targets — it’s about being part of a dynamic, evolving environment where my contributions directly and actively help our company scale. The thrill of expanding into new markets and continuing to create value for more property managers is incredibly rewarding. 


“It’s about being part of a dynamic, evolving environment where my contributions directly and actively help our company scale.” 


This sales team stands out from the others I’ve been a part of because of its commitment to constant improvement. The culture here is all about getting 1 percent better each day, which creates an environment of continuous learning and growth. It’s not just about closing deals, but about making renting work for everyone, and having fun while we’re doing it.


What word would you use to describe the culture on the sales team? 

Relentless improvement and collaboration. We’re always pushing to be better, not just as individuals, but as a team. We celebrate small wins and learn from setbacks, which makes every success that much sweeter. Carved-out time for collaboration is sprinkled throughout the week. 

For example, on Mondays we kick off the week by celebrating wins and setting goals. Tuesdays and Wednesdays are dedicated to personalized one-on-one sessions focused on skill development. Thursdays are for cold call sessions — where we review, provide feedback and brainstorm objection-handling strategies. We wrap up the week on Fridays with debriefs, discussing highs and lows of the week and sharing exciting weekend plans.

One of our special traditions is Slam Jam Day, which I try to host every month or so. It’s a day where the daily sales activities and outcomes are gamified, and the team member with the most points earns a prize at the end of the day. This event plays out to be a true testament of how sales at Findigs is a place where you’re encouraged to take on big challenges, knowing the team’s got your back.


Share a memory or a moment where you felt connected to your team and excited about your role.

A moment where I felt truly connected to my team and excited about my role was when our CEO, Steve Carroll, invited the sales team over for a dinner party at his apartment. Steve puts his heart into everything he does, so unsurprisingly, the menu was fantastic. 

The evening was filled with insatiable food, laughter, meaningful conversations and a high sense of camaraderie. We talked about our wayfinding to Findigs, why we chose to be part of the team, and talked about our visions for the future. 

It was more than just a dinner — it was a moment that reminded me how much Steve cares about the team and that I’m part of something special, where every contribution is valued and celebrated.



Responses have been edited for length and clarity. Images provided by Shutterstock and listed companies.