Finding the Perfect Fit: 3 NYC Companies That Employees Love, Hiring Now

From interview to onboarding, these companies made a consistently strong impression on new hires. Built In NYC asked them what made the difference.

Written by Conlan Carter
Published on Jun. 12, 2024
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When Leonard Lin started his first day as an enterprise client success manager at Zocdoc’s SoHo office, the experience was, unsurprisingly, exactly what he had imagined.

Lin had the benefit of a great impression from his interview process with Zocdoc — one that communicated the company’s way of doing things, with focuses on efficiency, organization and inclusivity. The office experience directly reflected that impression and confirmed that he had found the right place to work.

“You’re made to feel at home from the moment you walk in and every moment afterward,” said Lin.

At, Director of BizOps and Strategy Lex Sivakumar noted that the company’s growth-oriented, startup culture matched his goals for growing his career. And at AnthologyAI, Enterprise Architect Milton Li said opportunities for experimentation, learning and collaboration are his favorite parts of the office culture.

These three experiences could all be considered culture match success stories. When employees find a workplace that agrees with or adds value to their own goals and ways of working, they work more effectively and stick around for the long run. Research from Gallup shows that employees who feel connected to their company’s culture are three times more likely to be engaged and 68 percent less likely to experience frequent burnout. And 73 percent of professionals have left a job due to poor cultural fit, according to a study from the Robert Walters Group.

New York professionals on the hunt for a new role with a thriving workplace culture should consider the three currently hiring companies featured on this list. Built In NYC sat down with Li, Sivakumar and Lin to hear more about how they found a cultural match in their workplaces.


Image of Leonard Lin
Leonard Lin
Enterprise Client Success Manager • Zocdoc

Zocdoc is a healthtech company that offers products and services that simplify the healthcare journey for patients and providers.


How long have you been with Zocdoc? What made you know it was the right spot for you?

I joined Zocdoc in November 2021. I knew as early as the initial interview process that Zocdoc was right for me, which continued to be true for the two and a half years following. 

During the interview process, I was impressed by the speed, efficiency and organization. Each call was well structured and allowed me to show my interest and qualifications for the enterprise client success role while also helping me get a better understanding of Zocdoc and its people.

Once hired, the onboarding process was no different. Each day was well thought out and provided valuable insight to help me succeed in my new role. To me, this indicated how Zocdoc operates internally — efficient and well-organized.

What’s your favorite part about your office?

My favorite part about coming into the Zocdoc office is the collaborative and inclusive culture. It starts with Zocdoc’s office operations team. They work hard to understand the needs and motivations of the Zocdoc employees and create an environment that is welcoming and exciting. 

I personally prefer in-person interactions versus virtual ones, so I enjoy the office’s open floor plan. Our desk layout, kitchen and dining area and shared spaces are conducive to knowledge sharing. Each workstation is spacious and well-appointed, so I’m able to focus and collaborate with colleagues as needed.

As a bonus, lunch is available every day with ample options for breakfast and snacks on each floor. I am no stranger to collaboration and idea sharing by the snack wall. People also sit together for lunch, so you get a chance to chat about work and life outside of work.


Describe Zocdoc’s culture in one word.

The first word that comes to my mind is “collaborative.”

Collaboration is at the heart of my role each day. From collaboration with my colleagues in sales to calls with clients, I am constantly working with others to find solutions and drive results. Collaboration expands well beyond my role as an enterprise client success manager. All departments from engineering to product to sales work cohesively to achieve one common goal to make healthcare more accessible. I believe we as a company strive each and every day to make Zocdoc better.


“I believe we as a company strive each and every day to make Zocdoc better.”



Image of Lex Sivakumar
Lex Sivakumar
Director, BizOps & Strategy • provides an outbound phone and SMS sales solution designed to drive more revenue for outbound contact centers.


How long have you been with What made you know it was the right spot for you?

I’ve been at Regal for almost two years now. The two things that stood out to me when I joined were the business growth and the people. Regal’s team and revenue were growing very quickly, so I knew if I joined and made an impact, career growth would follow soon after, which was very important to me. Also, I was very impressed by the people I met. It was clear that Alex and Rebecca, our co-founders, had a high bar for talent, and they built a company full of people I could learn from and develop meaningful relationships with.


“It was clear they built a company full of people I could learn from and develop meaningful relationships with.”


What’s your favorite part about your office?

The kitchen and lounge area is my favorite spot because it’s where all of us congregate to eat with our colleagues, attend all-hands, play games — we have a Nintendo Switch, cornhole, hook and ring, etc. — or just hang out. It’s a very welcoming space that is bright and open with views of the city, comfy couches and a kitchen stocked full of snacks. It’s a place where you can have an impromptu conversation with someone from another team for 30 minutes about some obscure topic that you never would have had otherwise. I’d call it the nucleus of the office.


 A photo of a sunny communal area in the office, with tables and chairs.


Describe’s culture in one word. 

Agile. As a company and group of people, we are highly adaptive to change, which is necessary for a startup to thrive. We pride ourselves on the speed at which we can pivot and execute, which helps us win.



Image of Milton Li
Milton Li
Enterprise Architect • AnthologyAI

AnthologyAI is a customer data technology company that allows users to control and monetize their personal and anonymized data.


How long have you been with AnthologyAI? What made you know it was the right spot for you?

I have been with AnthologyAI for over two years as one of the first employees, and throughout my time here, there has been no shortage of exciting and challenging problems to solve. No day has gone by without the fulfillment of accomplishing something or learning something new.

“No day has gone by without the fulfillment of accomplishing something or learning something new.”


What’s your favorite part about your office? 

Being in the AnthologyAI office together is an integral part of what makes the AnthologyAI team so close-knit and able to work together well. By having the proximity to be collaborative and innovative, you always feel supported in the challenges you may face — but there is also no shortage of quiet spaces for focused work.

Describe AnthologyAI’s culture in one word. 

Innovative. In building a next-gen data intelligence and AI company, creativity and constant experimentation are ingrained in AnthologyAI’s DNA to innovate from a technical perspective and in the collaborative and supportive environment that fosters that innovation.



Responses have been edited for length and clarity. Images provided by Shutterstock and listed companies.