How This NYC Company Helps Early-Career Employees Find Room to Grow

It can be hard to build momentum when everything is new. One NYC pro shares how Current helped set her up for success from day one.

Written by Zach Baliva
Published on Dec. 29, 2023
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Embrace curiosity, ask questions freely and welcome feedback.

That’s Haley Hartin’s input for early-career employees or anyone starting a new role. The advice may seem simple, but it comes from Hartin’s relatable experience as a tech intern while working on a NASA contract, and during her time as a new employee at Current

Starting a new job can intimidate even the most seasoned employee but can be especially daunting for new grads and interns. Hartin remembers how friends, mentors and colleagues helped her navigate those moments in her career, which took off once she tapped into the resources around her. “I wish I had known earlier the immense value of seeking guidance and not fearing the ‘stupid’ questions,” she says. 

Read on to hear more from Hartin and find out how you can set yourself up for success at your next new job.


Image of Haley Hartin
Haley Hartin
Software Engineer • Current

Current is a mobile banking services company that offers online checking accounts that help people get paid faster, build credit and spend, save and invest better.


When you first started at your current company, how did the onboarding process set you up for success in your role?

The onboarding process was incredibly hands-on and supportive. I was paired with an onboarding buddy who acted as a mentor, introducing me to the company’s culture and practices and helping me navigate initial challenges. This personalized guidance provided a comfortable and informative start.

The process was filled with practical tasks that helped me dive straight into the technical aspects. I was tasked with setting up GitHub, conducting a test deployment and engaging in numerous pair programming sessions. These activities allowed me to familiarize myself with crucial tools, processes and collaborative practices within the team.

What stood out was the efficiency of the onboarding process. Although concise, it was packed with valuable experiences. The emphasis on practical learning and direct involvement in real tasks made it incredibly effective. Pair programming sessions in particular provided a fantastic opportunity to learn from experienced colleagues while actively contributing to ongoing projects.


Pair programming sessions in particular provided a fantastic opportunity to learn from experienced colleagues while actively contributing to ongoing projects.”


What goals did you have for growth when you joined the company? Did you encounter any challenges or barriers on the way and if so, how did you overcome them?

When I first started my career as a software engineer, my primary aim was to soak up as much knowledge and experience as possible across various tech domains. I was also keen on the challenge of crafting a new service entirely from scratch.

My manager played a pivotal role in supporting my growth trajectory. He consistently provided me with diverse projects that aligned with my learning objectives. As I grew more proficient, my manager would gradually challenge me with more complex tasks. This allowed me to push my boundaries and expand my skill set.

As all engineers do,  I encountered occasional hurdles. There were instances where I faced roadblocks in projects and found myself struggling to find solutions. Our team held coding hours specifically aimed at troubleshooting blockers. This collaborative approach enabled us to work through issues collectively, drawing on each other’s expertise and perspectives.

The structures in place, my manager’s guidance and the supportive team environment were instrumental in my growth. The consistent exposure to diverse projects aligned with my goals, and the collaborative coding sessions provided valuable opportunities to overcome hurdles.


What advice do you have for early career employees beginning new roles? What do you wish you had known when you started your job?

Embrace curiosity and don’t hesitate to ask questions. It’s completely okay to ask what might feel like ‘stupid’ questions because that's how you learn and grow. Asking questions demonstrates your eagerness to understand and contribute effectively.

Additionally, being open to feedback is crucial. Constructive criticism helps you both refine your skills and identify areas for improvement. It’s an opportunity for growth, so embrace it positively. Actively seek feedback from colleagues and managers so you can enhance your performance.



Responses have been edited for length and clarity. Images provided by Shutterstock and listed companies.